
姓名:张朝生 职称:教授(地理学) 单位:戈尔韦大学地理学系
Prof. Zhang is Professor of Geography, Director of International Network for Environment and Health (INEH) at University of Galway, and serves as a member of Academic Council Standing Committee of the University. He teaches Geographic Information System (GIS) courses at the University. Prof. Zhang’s academic background covers both GIS and environmental geochemistry. His research focuses on spatial analyses of environmental variables, especially metals and nutrients in soils, using GIS, geostatistics and other spatial statistical techniques, to identify hotspots and quantify spatial variation, providing scientific bases for improved environmental management, mineral exploration, precision agriculture and human health. Prof. Zhang has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals (Google Scholar H-index: 57; SCOPUS H-index: 51).

Prof. Zhang holds the following international professional positions: Co-Chair of International Medical Geology Association; Past President of Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health and Chair of Board of International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry; Associate Editor of Journal of Geochemical Exploration; Associate/Coordinating Editor of Environmental Geochemistry and Health; Member of Editorial Board of Science of the Total Environment. Prof. Zhang received National Conference Ambassador Award from Failte Ireland in 2018, Galway City Mayor’s Award in “Arts, Culture, Heritage & Cúrsaí Gaeilge” in 2021, and “Distinguished Service Award” from International Medical Geology Association in 2021.

张教授是爱尔兰国立戈尔韦大学地理学教授,国际环境与健康网络(INEH)主任,担任学校学术委员会常务理事会常委。他在大学讲授地理信息系统 (GIS) 课程。张教授的学术背景涵盖GIS和环境地球化学。他的研究重点是环境变量尤其是土壤中的污染物和养分的空间分析。利用 GIS、地质统计学和其他空间统计技术,识别环境变量热点并量化空间变化,为改善环境管理、矿产勘探、精准农业和人类健康发展提供科学依据。张教授在同行评审期刊上发表论文200余篇,谷歌H指数:57;SCOPUS H-指数:51。

张教授担任以下国际专业职务:国际医学地质协会IMGA联合主席; 环境地球化学与健康学会SEGH前任主席; 环境地球化学国际研讨会ISEG国际理事会主席;Journal of Geochemical Exploration 杂志副主编;Environmental Geochemistry and Health 杂志协调编辑; Science of the Total Environment 杂志编委。张教授于2018年获得爱尔兰国家旅游局国家会议大使奖;2021年 获得戈尔韦市“艺术、文化、遗产和爱尔兰语”市长奖;以及2021年国际医学地质协会IMGA颁发的“突出贡献奖”。

Posted on
October 2, 2022
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